Neighborhood Watch

Occoquan Landing has a Neighborhood Watch. Each street patrols for a week. Individuals only have to patrol one day every 5 weeks. Participants can choose the times they patrol on their assigned day and whether they walk or drive. Volunteers are observers and are not to confront anyone. Volunteers receive timely bulletins on any crime in the area. Our Neighborhood Watch is designed to be flexible for participant's schedules and easy to do and to keep our community safe. To volunteer contact Michèle McQuigg, 703-491-2294.

Neighborhood Watch Rotation Schedule

Monthly Watch Report is available within the first full week of the month. Click on Lake Ridge. Do a ctrl f and type in Riverview Overlook.

If you have been a victim of larceny or theft, vandalism, lost property, larceny or theft from an automobile, hit and run, vandalism to auto or harassing phone calls, texts or e-mails and there is no suspect information, you may report it online at

For additional information, visit the Prince William County's Police Department Crime Prevention Center